Nominate Your Favorite Professional/Program/Project For Summit Awards 2022

Happy spring!

The Silicon Valley Bike Summit is scheduled to be held tentatively on Friday, August 12th, 2022. We understand many of you are ZOOM fatigued, performing your work and advocacy remotely the last several years, so we’re excited to announce this year’s summit will be in person!

For the seventh year in a row, SVBC will be presenting awards at the Bike Summit to recognize the dedication, time, and energy people are putting-in to improve their communities and make things happen.

Do you know anyone/anything out there that has made your bike ride more comfortable? More joyful? This is your moment to throw some light on them. We hope this inspires them and others to continue doing cool work related to biking!

Nominations will close June 03, 2022

Shortly after the deadline passes, we will open a voting form so you can choose this year’s winners.

Award categories

  • Professional of the Year – A professional who has strived hard to promote biking, whose efforts go above and beyond to ensure safe and comfortable bicycling. The person may be an elected official; city, county, or other nonprofit, consultant or agency staff working to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety. 

  • Project of the Year – A project which promotes biking and makes biking safer. It may be a bike lane (buffered, green, or protected), bike bridge, bike boulevard, bike box, bike parking, bike trail, etc.

  • Program of the Year – A program that has effectively increased the number of people biking. It may be an education or encouragement program, a multi-mobility plan, or a bike plan.

For any questions, contact


Bike Champions of 2022


Safe Cycling - Tips from Stanford Medicine