Public Agency Bicycle Advisory Committees

SVBC works on getting San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties, the cities within, and other relevant transportation agencies to value, include and encourage bicycling for all purposes for all people. However, we can’t be everywhere all the time, and we need YOUR help in your local community. To make a difference in the city you live, work, or play in, consider joining or attending your city’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC), Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) or other relevant committee. See table below for a full list of committees.

What is a BPAC?

A BPAC is a group of knowledgeable volunteers who are appointed by the City Council (or other government body) to advise them on all bike-related matters. If you want to improve conditions for bicycling in your city, this is the place to start. Hot tip: cities aren’t the only agencies with BPACs: multijurisdictional organizations like the Valley Transportation Agency (VTA), Caltrain, San Mateo County’s City and County Association of Governments (CCAG), and others can also have BACs. In addition, some jurisdictions have a committee that includes bicyclist perspectives but has a broader purpose, such as a Traffic Safety Committee or Transportation Committee.

Some examples of BPAC’s duties:

  • Review road projects to insure bicyclist needs are considered.

  • Recommend bicycle infrastructure improvements.

  • Lobby for grant funding to finance those improvements.

  • Advocate for policy and procedure changes.

Why get involved?

By attending BPAC meetings, participating as a committee member, or contacting the committee, you will make your voice heard. Some other reasons to get active:

  • Get your questions answered! Why isn’t there a bike lane on your street? The city or other agency may be considering this or there could be alternatives nearby.

  • Share safety concerns. Sometimes a city or other agency is unaware of a problem until someone brings it to their attention through public forums such as these.

  • Find out about new bike projects, policies, or events.

  • Help the BPAC by being additional “eyes and ears” on the street to help them do their best possible job.

  • Show the City Council that their constituents care about bicycling improvements.

  • Become a more effective bicycling advocate by keeping yourself better informed.

Find out more about your city’s committees and countywide committees below: